takes a non-stereotypical approach to a blog. I feel like when you think of someone blogging, you think about someone posting passionate opinions about certain word events or things happening in their lives and the lives of others. Fred takes the approach of just writing things that are touching to his mind and heart. He mostly writes about place and nature and steers away from trying to be controversial or voicing his one-sided opinion about a certain aspect of life. He tries to remain neutral and passive in his posts which I believe allows the readers to focus more on the content and their own lives rather than the lives of the blogger. When a person is just rambling about their opinions then that provokes readers to evaluate the blogger as a person rather than truly thinking about the content in the post. People will lash out when they see an opinion that goes against theirs and sometimes they will only focus on their viewpoint. This allows them to take certain opinions personally, as an attack to their viewpoints. This ultimately leads to less focusing on the content of the post and more focus on proving the other person wrong. The way Fred writes eliminates this aspect and his blog allows for a place where people can just focus on what is being presented to them and interpreting it in their own way rather than arguing with the blogger. He posts about touching stories and nature, his blog is like a peaceful place for viewers to go. He has written about a few things such as global warming and the avian flu which provoked some people to argue with him but for the most part his blog remains passive.
As a blogger, Fred First does not seem very dedicated but
that does not make him an unmotivated blogger.
He has his priorities which seem to be work but he still makes time to
post things onto his blog. His blog is a
non-profit side project. This shows that
he must enjoy what he is doing and good things usually come from people who
enjoy what they are doing.
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