This website contains almost every
genre from ambient to heavy black metal, anything really you name it.
There seems to be a slight bias towards rock and metal genres
because that is the majority of the albums that get reviewed.
Nonetheless, the community reviews rap albums, pop albums and
everything else as well. They rate everything on a 0-5 scale with 5
being an amazing album. This is also a site where you can find out
the latest news in the music world when it comes to bands.
The community is really helpful for the
most part, anyone can write a review and the staff works very hard to
make sure you are using the right grammar and writing interesting
reviews. They comment on users reviews to help them improve. There
are a lot of useless fights because which band is overrated and which
band deserves to be number one, but of course this comes with any
type of media that is based on opinion.
I like this site so much because a lot
of the higher rated albums are albums that I love or learn to love.
The site has introduced me into a whole lot of new bands from a wide
variety of genres. And for that I am very grateful.